Another trek challenge completed - Reaching
the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro at 19,341 feet above sea level and the highest
free standing mountain in the world is my proudest achievement so far. I didn’t start trekking until I retired and I
have surprised myself (and many others) in what I have accomplished. I have had
the most incredible experiences and met some amazing and inspirational people. Thank you so much for all of your
support on each endeavour and for believing in me. You have helped me to raise £9,500 on this
trek taking the total for all three treks to a fantastic £18,000, with Gift Aid to be added to that total.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Monday 30th July – Bretton Country Park – Clayton West and Emley – 13 miles (7 hrs)

With Bear and June, June is an amazing 73 year old lady that I first met on my Peru Trek whose energy and enthusiasm is inspirational. Starting out at Bretton Country Park in the beautiful Dearne Valley we climbed out of the valley to Clayton West and on up to Emley Moor with its towering TV mast enjoying beautiful views before picking up the Kirklees Way and then the Dearne Way back to the Yorkshire Sculpture Park.This was quite a test for me as I was in charge of the map and directions but it all went well and we thankfully didn’t take any wrong turns. It was also a bonus having June along as she has done the Great Wall of China trek and this was the perfect opportunity for me to get some insight into what lies ahead in just 6 weeks!

June and Bear

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