Another trek challenge completed - Reaching
the summit of Mount Kilimanjaro at 19,341 feet above sea level and the highest
free standing mountain in the world is my proudest achievement so far. I didn’t start trekking until I retired and I
have surprised myself (and many others) in what I have accomplished. I have had
the most incredible experiences and met some amazing and inspirational people. Thank you so much for all of your
support on each endeavour and for believing in me. You have helped me to raise £9,500 on this
trek taking the total for all three treks to a fantastic £18,000, with Gift Aid to be added to that total.

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Saturday 23rd June - Isle of Sark 8 miles (4 hrs)

With Derek. We arrived by boat onto the smallest of the channel Islands which is 3miles long by 1.5 miles wide and we managed to cover most of it on the day we visited. There are no cars, only horse drawn carts and tractors which made exploring on foot even more pleasurable. The coastal views are spectacular with views to Guernsey, Jersey and France. At La Coupee we crossed the bridge that was built by German prisoners of war to Little Sark for lunch. The weather was perfect and we really felt that we had stepped back in time on this beautiful island.

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